

Full Combined Package - £3800

  • Approx 20 visits depending on booking date and due date
  • Telephone Support until your baby is 4 weeks old
  • Can be combined with Labour Care  - £8400

Twelve Visit Combined Package - £2750

  • As above but with six antenatal and six postnatal appointments
  • Can be combined with Labour Care - £7350

Eight Visit Combined Package - £2100

  • As above but with four antenatal and four postnatal appointments
  • Available from 32 weeks
  • At least 4 visits should be antenatal
  • Can be combined with Labour Care - £6700

Labour Care - £4600

Non clinical care at hospital or full support for a Home birth, water birth option available.

Labour care can only be purchased in conjunction with a Combined Package


Antenatal Packages

  • Includes telephone support between visits
  • 12 visits - £2500
  • 6 visits - £1650
  • 4 visits - £1300

One off appointments:

  • 2 hour Birth Preparation - £360
  • One off antenatal visit - £180
  • Online appointment - £120


  • Includes telephone support between visits until your baby is 4 weeks old
  • Eight postnatal visits over a four week period - £2250
  • Six postnatal visits over a 2-3 week period - £1850
  • Four postnatal visits over a 2-3 week period - £1450

One off appointments:

  • Visit lasting up to 2 hours - £220
  • Postnatal Support package - one visit, one call per week for 4 weeks, telephone support - £700
  • Breastfeeding workshop in your home - £280

Additional Services

Debrief Appointment Home Visit - £180

Debrief Appointment Home Visit & Hospital Appointment - £300

Harmony (Downs Syndrome Screening) - £580

All prices are inclusive of insurance.

Prices correct as of July 8th  2024.

Schedule an appointment